

Mothers, try to observe the symptoms after breastfeeding your baby stomach discomfort These or not

  • Crying, yelling, disturbing, acting uncomfortable after eating milk

  • Frequent vomiting

  • Often throw milk

  • Hard defecation

  • Frequent diarrhea

  • With gas in the stomach, distension in the stomach.

  • Frequently bloating, bloated stomach

  • Frequent fart

  • Wake up early, difficult to sleep, do not sleep well (Because the baby is unwell)

If your baby's mother has one of the symptoms Show that the baby may have problems with digestion and stomach discomfort. Mothers can find ways to cope and solve these baby's discomfort, such as adjusting breastfeeding positions that prevent the baby from swallowing. Expelled after the baby is full. If the discomfort of the baby's stomach does not improve. Mothers should consult a doctor about treatment guidelines. In order to relieve the child's discomfort





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