
ลูกท้องผูก ลองกระตุ้นลำไส้ช่วยลูกสิ

When the baby has constipation, flatulence or does not have a diarrhea Every mother tries to solve this problem so the baby can return to normal as soon as possible. The bowel stimulation for the baby to be excused is one of the many methods that moms use to correct constipation, flatulence, or having a diarrhea. Which is not difficult to do at all

To stimulate the intestines Reduce constipation, flatulence, hard stomach. Don't take the baby together.

  • Help the baby move the body Same as adults Movement and exercise stimulate the child's bowel function. Helps accelerate digestion Resulting in the body transporting waste quickly While the child is lying on his back Mothers may hold the ankles, raise the children gently, and rotate slowly, like cycling. Or the children lie on their back and hold their legs together then lift the leg up and push the knees to bend next to the stomach. Hold the knees for 5 seconds and place the legs on the floor. And then start doing it again about 10 times. When the baby moves, the body will help to shoot easier. Helps reduce wind in the stomach, causes of flatulence Stomach can also be

  • Massage the stomach will help stimulate the intestines. Resulting in easy excretion Can reduce constipation Mother can do as follows

    • - Use your fingers to gently massage Around the belly of the baby, clockwise for about 3 minutes, then change to using the palm to gently massage Is a circular motion clockwise around the stomach for 3-4 rounds

    • - Pursue the index finger around the navel, clockwise for about 3 minutes. Clockwise movement is a movement according to the digestive system and helps internal movement. To stimulate the intestines to work

    • - Should massage regularly until the baby is able to shoot normally.

Preparations for bowel stimulation




  • Choose the time by looking at the interval between meals. Do not massage or exercise for the baby shortly before or after breast-feeding Or when the child is crying So sleepy shouldn't do

  • Remove the ring as it may scratch the child's skin

  • Let the child sleep on the cushion that he feels comfortable.

  • Use the cream before massaging the ball, squeeze the cream or lotion into the palm of your mother. Rub both palms up and down so that the hand and hand cream are slightly warmer before touching onto the baby's skin.

  • Noticed the eye contact, invited him to talk while massaging If the child shows signs of dislike, stop before picking him up to comfort him and try again the next day.




  • Let the children soak in warm water. Some experts recommend soaking the balls in warm water. Because it will help your child relax various muscles The tummy area of ​​the baby will relieve tension. Helps reduce the symptoms of muscle spasms in excretion. When the muscles relax Babies may easily excrete

  • Stimulate the intestines with water or juice. Some children may have constipation. Because drinking less water, if the child is 6 months old and older, can give the child to drink more water Or try to drink fruit juice, such as prune juice, apricot juice, pear juice, etc., which will help stimulate bowel function .

  • Switch to milk formula easily digested If the baby eats milk powder We recommend that mothers choose milk formula that is easy to digest for babies to eat. Because milk formula is good for the digestive system of children Which is still under development Will help the digestive system of the child improve and recover from various discomfort with the following features

    • - Protein has some digestion Making milk protein smaller than normal formula milk The baby's body therefore digests and absorbs all nutrients. No residue is the food of bacteria in the large intestine to digest these residual proteins until the gas is causing various abdominal discomfort.

    • - Lactose-lower sugar than normal formula milk Which will reduce the problem when the children digest lactose-bound sugar But getting enough lactose for the brain of a growing child And also helps the microbes in the large intestine to work Make the stool soft

    • - Contains DHA, ARA and other important nutrients which helps nourish the brain and body of the child to develop appropriately with age

      If mothers have tried using these methods to stimulate the intestines In some cases, all methods may be used together. Some people may use only 1-2 methods. Believe that constipation, bloating, hard stomach, unloading of the child will definitely decrease. I would like you to try. For good bowel movements of the baby When the baby has no excretion problems His health and good development will follow.

If the mother has problems with the child's excretion Can consult a doctor about solutions and selection of milk formula Suitable for babies, whether it is easily digested milk formula Which has some partially digested protein and lower than normal lactose Which is consistent with the child subsystem to solve this problem (If you have diarrhea, bloating, abdominal discomfort singer's throw milk) or blended fiber helps bowel movement, such as PD x (PDX) and Piraeus (GOS) dietary health. Which is the food of good microbes in the intestines Will help balance bowel function (In the case of constipation).However, breast milk is still good and suitable for infants. In addition, mothers can use the program to check the health of the baby's feces and live chat with the nurse to discuss the child's excretion.


Review data by: Asst. Prof. Dr. Disjee Lumphikanon,
pediatrician, Neonatal and Perinatal.
Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital

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