

Stomach discomfort Problems caused by feeding the baby's first year

New mothers are well aware that Best breast milk for small children But when it is necessary to give milk powder to the baby There may be concerns that the baby will have a discomfort in the stomach. Whether it is flatulence, constipation, children are full, sleep, excretion, not crying, yell, have a good mood, ready to learn things Comfortable round, comfortable texture

56% of babies experience stomach discomfort due to abnormal digestion.

Mothers who have children from birth to 1 year old for the first child to feed milk powder. Must have had experience with children having flatulence, diarrhea, crumbling and whipping A survey of mothers with children between the ages of 12 and 12 months found that 56% of babies have the above mentioned discomfort. The symptoms vary, some varying. Even healthy-looking children may also experience stomach discomfort. Which caused quite a bit of anxiety for the mother And trying to find ways to relieve symptoms Those of children, such as changing milk brands Giving the child to take carminative Find a medicine to massage the baby's stomach, etc. The mother may not think that these problems are caused by the milk that the baby eats. Which is related to the child's digestive system Which is still not fully developed Therefore not fully working Causing digestion and absorption of nutrients in baby's milk Resulting in the discomfort of the said baby

When the baby is unwell, it will affect the development. And his learning Because when the child feels unwell and unwell, the stomach is not ready to learn anything Mother must find a way to cope and solve this problem.

However, mothers can consult a doctor to cope and remedy the child to get comfortable. Do not cry.

(* Based on a survey of Thai mothers with children aged 0-12 months, Nov-Dec 2005)




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